R2 Guidance & Knowledge Base

Qualifying non-R2v3 Downstream Vendors for Brokering


Common questions about qualifying downstream vendors for brokering  [as required in Appendix A (8)(g)]

Q.    If the DSV is a broker and only routes material to a DSV specified by our facility, is the broker still required to have a certified Quality Management System (QMS)?

Any organization that meets the definition of a broker as indicated in the standard must maintain a certified QMS.  The SERI website provides a list of QMS that are approved for addressing this requirement:  https://sustainableelectronics.org/key-steps-in-the-certification-process/.

Q.   If the DSV is a broker, do they need to implement the REC categories?

The broker is required to manage the applicable equipment or material stream in accordance with the REC.  However, it is the R2 Facility, through its FM Management Plan, that will identify the applicable categories and define the appropriate DSV.  In this case, the Broker would be responsible for managing the flow and ensuring that all R2 Controlled Streams identified by the R2 Facility are directed to the appropriate DSV.

In addition, the DSV broker may either use the specific categories defined in the REC “or maintain a documented correlation of existing categories in use to those defined in the REC…” (Core Requirement 6.(a)(2)).  The importance of using the REC, or categories mapped to the REC, is to ensure that all R2 Controlled streams are clearly identified and managed according to the requirements in R2v3 throughout the entire recycling chain.

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