R2 Guidance & Knowledge Base

Register Your Downstream


Information about Appendix A option to register the Downstream Recycling Chain

In the R2v3 Standard, under Appendix A requirement (4)(b), an R2 Facility can choose to register its downstream recycling chain with SERI.  This registration enables the R2 Facility to stop its downstream tracking and verification at the first R2v3 Certified downstream vendor (DSV).

To do this, the R2 Facility must ensure that the downstream chain details all R2 Controlled output streams generated by the facility.  In addition, it must clearly indicate the names and location of each downstream vendor associated with each output to either final disposition or the first R2v3 Facility.  (NOTE:  SERI does not verify or approve the information registered, as such, registration should not be considered an endorsement of the information in any way.)

The R2 Facility’s Account Key is needed to register a Downstream Recycling Chain.  Each site has their own Account Key. The Account Key is included in the SERI License Acknowledgement and on the facility’s invoice (effective 2/3/2021).      To request a copy of your SERI License Acknowledgement with Account Key, please complete this self-service License Acknowledgement Request or email Licensing@SustainableElectronics.org and include the facility’s name and address.

Steps to register the Downstream Recycling Chain

  • CLICK HERE to access the Downstream Registration Form
  • The uploaded flowchart must include the following details:
    • Each R2 Controlled output stream that passes through your facility or control; and
    • The name and location of each downstream vendor associated with each output stream.
    • NOTE: It is not required to list vendors beyond the first R2v3 Certified downstream.
    • CLICK HERE to view sample flowchart
  • Uploads must be a single file in one of the following supported file formats: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, or pdf.
  • Complete remaining fields on the registration form.
    • If the site has an existing certificate, the issuing certifying body will receive notification that a copy of the Downstream Registration Report has been filed with SERI. To also have your auditor notified of this registration, fill in the auditor’s name and email address on the registration form.
    • If the site does not have an existing certificate, please fill in the auditor’s name and email address so they can receive notification that the Downstream Registration Report has been filed with SERI.
  • Following submission of the Downstream Recycling Chain Registration, the submitter, the current certifying body, and the optional auditor’s email will receive an automatic generated confirmation email that SERI has received the report.
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