Development of the ESG Reporting standard for Electronics

Development of the ESG Reporting Standard for Electronics

The process for drafting and revising the SERI ESG Reporting Standard entails the following steps:

The complete detail of the SERI ESG Reporting Standard for Electronics setting process can be found in the SERI Manual of Policies and Procedures for Standard Development, available for download here:

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​The ESG Technical Advisory Committee (SERI ESG TAC) discusses, identifies, and proposes drafts of the ESG Reporting Standard.

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The Consensus Body (a subset of the SERI ESG TAC) aggregates and organizes those proposed drafts into a new Standard.

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The Consensus Body then distributes the draft Standard for public comment.

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After the public comment period has ended, the SERI ESG TAC and Consensus Body respond to comments, and amend the proposed draft. If changes are made, the public comment process is repeated.

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When all public comments have concluded, the Consensus Body votes to submit the proposed draft Standard to the SERI Board. A Consensus Body vote can be appealed on procedural grounds by an interested party.

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If the proposed draft Standard is approved by the SERI Board, it is submitted to ANSI for approval as an American National Standard.

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The Standard Management Team (SERI staff) administers this process and ensures ANSI’s process is followed.

ESG Reporting Standard Technical Advisory Committee

The ESG Reporting Standard Technical advisory committee (SERI ESG TAC) is the multi-stakeholder group that develops revisions to the ESG standard

​It is transparent in its deliberations and provides opportunity for input to all interested parties.

The SERI ESG TAC consists of representatives from key stakeholder groups, including: entities covered by the standard**; customers* of these entities; and regulatory agencies, public interest groups, and others involved in implementation of the certification program***. It serves as the cornerstone for SERI’s credibility and integrity.

The SERI ESG TAC’s make-up and due process procedures conform to OMB Circular A-119 and ANSI’s Essential Requirements. In other words, the SERI ESG TAC is a voluntary consensus body and the SERI ESG Standard is a voluntary consensus standard.

Definitions of the three main interest categories of stakeholders participating on the Consensus Body and Technical Advisory Committee.

*Customers: Those with a material interest in the organization that has ESG reporting information verified and validated to the SERI ESG Standard.

**Entities Covered by the Standard: This interest category includes any organization that can have ESG reporting information verified and validated to the SERI ESG Standard.

***Regulatory/Public Interest/Other Stakeholders: This interest category includes entities of international, national, state or local governments and any other individual or organization that has an interest in, is materially affected by, or has special expertise regarding ESG Reporting in the Electronics value chain and does not fall under one of the other two interest categories.


Entities Covered by THE Standard

Customers of Entities Covered by the Standard

Regulatory/ Public Interest

If you are interested in volunteering your time and expertise to further develop the SERI ESG Standard, please complete a SERI ESG TAC Application. Applicants will be added to a list of candidates for future consideration as openings become available.

For any questions on the SERI ESG Reporting Standard development process, SERI ESG TAC, or Consensus Body, contact SERI