R2 Guidance & Knowledge Base

R2v3 Appendix Applicability Guidance


Last Update:  Appendix E – March 30, 2023  

Recognizing the diversity in operations across the electronics reuse and recycling industries, and that not all R2 Facilities will perform the same operations, R2v3 includes 6 appendices that contain specific Process Requirements for specialized operations that may be applicable only to a subset of R2 Facilities.

Certifying to any of the Process Requirements will require specialized knowledge and processing capabilities, so R2 Certification is applicable only to those R2 Facilities that undertake the related operations.  If activities related to a Process Requirement are not performed by an R2 Facility, where required, those operations can be outsourced to a downstream vendor qualified through and managed in accordance with the Appendix A – Downstream Recycling Chain.

An R2 Facility must be R2 Certified for all Process Requirements that it undertakes.

Appendix A – Downstream Recycling Chain

Defines the requirements for the qualification and management of all downstream vendors that receive R2 Controlled Streams directly from the R2 Facility or through its downstream chain.
Applicable To
Applies to all R2 Facilities that utilize any number of R2 or non-R2 downstream vendors for processing or managing any R2 Controlled Streams.

Every R2 Facility that is not the final process in the Recycling Chain, such as collectors, dismantlers, test and repair operations, etc., must be certified to Appendix A.

Not Applicable To
Appendix A does not apply to R2 Facilities that are the final process in the recycling chain, such as smelters, since the materials have reached final disposition and are no longer defined as an FM or an R2 Controlled Stream.

The final processes for each FM are listed in the Focus Materials definition table.

Appendix A also does not apply to or include any downstream entities to which only sanitized, tested and functioning products are transferred to, as functioning products are not subject to downstream control.

Appendix B – Data Sanitization

Defines the requirements for any logical data sanitization and an enhanced level of physical sanitization where additional tracking, verification and quality controls are required.
Applicable To
Applies to all R2 Facilities that perform logical data sanitization such as ITAD and mobile repair operations.

Also applies to any R2 Facilities seeking to be recognized for an enhanced level of physical sanitization with additional physical security controls, device traceability, record keeping, and quality controls.

Not Applicable To
Appendix B certification is not required for any physical destruction methods defined in the NIST Guidelines for Media Sanitization and conducted in accordance with Core Requirement 7.(c)(2)(B).

These physical destruction methods covered under the Core Requirements typically include a form of shredding, disintegrating, pulverizing or smelting of the data device or media, as appropriate to the type of media.

Appendix C – Test and Repair

Defines the requirements for all electronics test and repair activities as well as the verification of the device condition and level of functionality.
Applicable To
Applies to all R2 Facilities that test, repair, or refurbish electronic devices or components for reuse and confirm through testing a defined level of functionality.
Not Applicable To
Appendix C certification is not required for simple power-on or non-functional evaluations of electronic devices or components, such as visual inspections to assess the reuse potential of the device in accordance with Core Requirement 6.(c), and where the device must continue to be managed as an R2 Controlled Stream, regardless of evaluation results or cosmetic condition.

Appendix D – Specialty Electronics Reuse

Defines the requirements for the assessment and verification of Specialty Electronics for reuse, where full functionality testing is not feasible.
Applicable To
Applies to R2 Facilities that specialize in managing highly sophisticated, commercial/industrial grade, specialty electronic devices, and while certified to Appendix C for Test and Repair, do not have the technical capability to test and confirm functionality of a particularly type of device.

Devices verified under Appendix D meet the definition of Specialty Electronics, such as network telecom equipment and medical devices.

Not Applicable To
Appendix D certification is not required for occasional or limited reuse of Collectible or Specialty Electronics in accordance with Core Requirement 6.(e)(3).

General consumer electronics or other non-specialty items are not applicable for the verification under Appendix D.

Appendix E – Materials Recovery

Defines the additional EHS requirements for any dismantling processes of electronic equipment, components or material streams that are destined for materials recovery.
Applicable To
Applies to all R2 Facilities that perform dismantling processes for the purpose of materials recovery.

Includes the processing of whole electronic devices as well as components and material streams (CRT tubes, circuit boards, etc.).

Not Applicable To
Appendix E certification is not required for de-manufacturing, parts harvesting or repair processes where intact components are removed for the purpose of reuse.

Appendix E also does not apply to use of dedicated self-contained hard drive shredders, chip crushers, hard drive presses, etc. that are used for the purpose of data destruction under Appendix B or Core Requirement 7.(c)(2)(B).

Please refer to Appendix E Applicability Clarification HERE and the Appendix E Applicability Flowchart Guidance HERE for further information. 

Appendix F – Brokering

Defines the requirements for managing transfers of electronic equipment, components or materials from the supplier directly to the downstream vendor without physically receiving or processing it.
Applicable To
Applies to all R2 Facilities that manage transactions between suppliers and downstream vendors, where the equipment or materials physically move from the supplier direct to the downstream vendor without going through the R2 Facility.

Brokering can be the only operation that the R2 Facility undertakes, or it can be a component of a broader certification where some equipment or material streams are brokered, and others are physically processed.

A broker can be a single service entity or a collection scheme like a collective extended producer responsibility (EPR) program.

Not Applicable To
Appendix F does not apply when all equipment and materials are physically managed at or pass through the R2 Facility.
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